Monday 20 May 2013

Writing a story

Last summer, I traveled to Tilcara for a short holidays, and it was something I'll never forget. First of all I was very excited because I'd never visited that place yet, and I had to travel alone because some friends were there when I decided to go.

With my new best friends! :)
It was a sunny Sunday when I bought a ticket for my unforgettable vacations. The number was 45. Yes! The last ticket! And for that I knew it was a very good signal. I've been lucky. Into the bus, I met my "new best friends", Jime, Ema and Cristian, with whom I spent an enjoyable time in Tilcara. But my plan was meet my others friends there, because they had a place to stay, a tent, some food and others things that I didn't take and I needed.

When I arrived Tilcara, I noticed with surprise that my friends were not my friends. They gave me a different adresses of them, and I phoned them a lot of times but I didn't have answers. I was so sad because they dissapointed me, and I didn't know what I had to do. Fortunately, my new best friends were very kind with me, and I stay with them, in their tent, with their food and their stuffs. It was very funny, because I never imagine that it was happen with me. Anyway, my short holidays were better than I'd planned, and I want to comeback there next year!

Wednesday 8 May 2013



I first got interested in dancing salsa for a very good friend, José. He loves that latin rhythm, and he took me and another friend to a dancing club and we really enjoy that. After that, I started to look for a club or a gym to practise salsa maybe everyday. But I found just one place to dancing in my freetime, for that, I began salsa twice a week with my best friend, Cintia.

We started it a month ago, and we want continue for all the year. But we need other place to do it, because now we're dancing alone, and really we want dance with a couple.

Salsa is a funny and a healthy dancing. I feel very happy when I'm dancing, and I share more time with my friend before I start to work. Sometimes I imagine that I'm in a salsa competition, and for that I do the best. Actually, I'm not a very well dancer, but I believe it , je.

Well, I'd recommend it as a hobby because it's very satisfying if you try it, and when you're dancing, you forget all your diary problems in the work or maybe in your house. So, let´s start!